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About Our Pineapple Logo

pineapple.pngMany patients may wonder, "Why is Chun Orthodontics' logo a pineapple?" There are many reasons why we chose this icon, but the number one reason is that it symbolizes hospitality!


Starting in Europe in the late 17th century, and beginning in America in the 18th century, the pineapple was used to indicate that a sea captain had returned home from a recent voyage. When traveling to the South Seas, captains would bring back a pineapple and spear it onto their home's iron gate. When townspeople would see the pineapple, they knew the captain was home and that all were welcomed to visit.

Pineapples are difficult to grow, and therefore they were a rare delicacy. People would show their gratitude and honor houseguests by displaying and sharing pineapples.

We want all our patients to know that they are welcome at our office! We strive to be the friendly, fun office staff that you look forward to visiting. When you come to Chun Orthodontics, you are a guest in our home-away-from-home!

Dental Health Benefits

Not only are pineapples deliciously sweet, but they also have dental health benefits. The fruit has a high concentration of Vitamin C. Vitamin C can reduce the risk of gum inflammation, which can ultimately lead to periodontal (gum) disease. By eating pineapple, you are lowering your risk for certain dental health problems!